Die Marke Chanel wurde von Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel gegründet, einer französischen Modedesignerin, die 1909 ihre erste Boutique in Paris eröffnete. In den 1920er Jahren revolutionierte sie die Damenmode mit ikonischen Kreationen wie dem "Kleinen Schwarzen" und dem Chanel-Kostüm. Der Duft Chanel No. 5, eingeführt im Jahr 1921, wurde zu einem legendären Parfüm.
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs musste Chanel vorübergehend schliessen, kehrte jedoch später zurück und erlebte unter der kreativen Leitung von Karl Lagerfeld in den 1980er Jahren eine Modernisierung. Die Marke bleibt ein Symbol für Luxus, bekannt für zeitlose Designs, hochwertige Materialien und das berühmte Doppel-C-Logo. Neben Mode und Düften hat sich Chanel auch auf Schmuck, Uhren und Kosmetikprodukte ausgeweitet und ist international für Eleganz und Einfluss in der Modewelt anerkannt.
Classic Flap Bag - The New Era
Mit Karl Lagerfeld anfangs der 80er bekommt die 2.55 einen neuen Look. Die unscheinbare Mademoiselle-Schliesse weicht dem markanten CC-Verschluss und macht die Classic Flap Bag zur Ikone. Die Hardware ist 24K vergoldet und besonders langlebig. Es werden diverse Grössen der Classic Flap Bag produziert, und je nach Format ist sie als Double oder als Single Flap erhältlich. Die Single Flap wird heute nicht mehr hergestellt. Das Futter ist nicht mehr nur klassisch bordeaux-rot, und die Tasche ist in vielen Farben und Signature-Materialien wie Tweed erhältlich.

2.55 Reissue - Back to the Roots
Zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der 2.55 stellt Karl Lagerfeld die 2.55 Reissue vor. Sie ist eine Hommage an Coco’s revolutionären Entwurf und eine exakte Reproduktion des Klassikers: eine Double Flap Bag mit Mademoiselle-Schliesse und mehrreihiger Kette.
Chanel Boy Bag
Im Herbst 2011 präsentierte uns Karl Lagerfeld die Chanel Boy-Tasche. Der Name dieser Tasche spielt sowohl auf Gabrielles entschlossene Persönlichkeit (als Liebhaberin von Sport und schlichter Kleidung) als auch auf Arthur "Boy" Capel an – einen Polospieler, mit dem sie eine langjährige Liebesbeziehung hatte.
Die Boy-Tasche weist ähnliche Merkmale wie die 2.55 auf, ist jedoch kastenförmiger und ihre Hardware ist eher in Gunmetal gehalten. Sie ist von einer Patronentasche inspiriert, die für Jäger gemacht ist. Die Boy Bag richtete sich an eine jüngere Generation von Fashionistas: ein androgyner Stil, der Cocos bahnbrechende maskulin-feminine Ästhetik feiert.
"Gabrielle Chanel besaß diese Attitüde - das ist die Seele von Chanel. Sie hatte das von Boy Capel, der großen Liebe ihres Lebens... In der Tat heißt die Tasche Boy Chanel" - Karl Lagerfeld.

Chanel 19 Bag
Die 'CHANEL 19' eine Hommage an die ältere Schwester, die legendäre Tasche 2.55, die im Februar 1955 von Coco Chanel erschaffen wurde. Sie trägt den Namen von Ihrem Entstehungsjahr und dem Geburtsdatum der Ikone selbst, dem 19. August.
Die Kette besteht aus durchflochtenem Metall und zeigt einen Farbverlauf mit drei verschiedenen Looks: Die Kettenglieder wechseln von silberfarben zu Vintage-Gold und nehmen schließlich die Farbe von Ruthenium an. Die Tasche verfügt über eine überaus geschmeidige Leder Struktur, die uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht.
Im März 2019 wurde die Chanel 19 bei der besonders bewegenden Herbst/Winter-Laufsteg Show von Chanel vorgestellt. Sie war Teil der letzten Kollektion von Kreativdirektor Karl Lagerfeld für Chanel, die nur einen Monat nach seinem Tod im Februar 2019 vorgestellt wurde. Karl hatte die Tasche in Zusammenarbeit mit Virginie Viard entworfen, seiner langjährigen "rechten Hand", die nach seinem Tod rasch zur kreativen Nachfolgerin ernannt wurde.
Diese Handtasche vereint einige der ikonischsten Designmerkmale von Chanel mit einer weicheren, modernen Silhouette. Sie erlangte sofortigen Ruhm bei Sammlern, als sie noch im gleichen Jahr in den Boutiquen erschien. Seitdem sind die exquisiten Modelle in jeder Saison restlos ausverkauft.
How to authenticate a classic flap bag

Most Chanel bags are made from lamb leather. It feels soft and looks smooth and even.
The caviar leather is much more robust and rougher to the touch than the delicate lamb leather. When you touch it, you can clearly feel the bumps that give the leather the appearance of black caviar.

The seams are precisely crafted and even. The number of stitches is a good indicator to check the authenticity of a bag: the more and smaller the stitches, the more likely it is an original. This can be checked particularly well on the patch pocket on the back of a classic flap bag. The seams of the diamonds merge almost seamlessly onto the bag, the arrangement of the diamonds is not interrupted.
As a rule, you can count 11 stitches per side of a diamond.

The lining adapts perfectly to the shape of the bag. It doesn't wrinkle or bubble and sits firmly in the bag and can't simply be turned inside out. Only the highest quality leather is used for the inside of the bag.

Buckle front
With the CC clasp and the logo in general, the left C is below, above the right and the right C is above, above the left. The logo on the clasp can be curved or flat. The ends of the Cs are flat and not rounded.
Some CC clasps show a mark on one of the Cs. The appearance and placement of the stamps varies depending on the year of production and means the bag was made in France. These markings are missing on bags made in Italy. It's best to quickly check whether the marking, or lack thereof, matches the MADE IN stamp.

Buckle back
The buckle is always attached to the back at the top and bottom with 2 flat screws. On the left of the clasp you can read CHANEL and on the right PARIS. The writing is even and easy to read.

The chain of a flap bag is heavy because it is made of high-quality metal. Until 2008, the hardware was 24K gold plated. The leather that is pulled through the chain is also of first-class quality. On an authentic Chanel, the leather is not continuous. You can see a small gap where the leather is sewn.

The stamps are straight and even, as is the writing. They are carefully embossed into the leather and not simply printed on the surface. The color of the logo always corresponds to the color of the hardware.
Chanel bags are either MADE IN FRANCE or MADE IN ITALY, but never MADE IN PARIS.
The CHANEL logo is 3.3 cm wide and placed 1.5 cm below the stitched CC inside the bag. For the logo inside the bag, often on the inside of the inner flap, the width of the Cs is the same size as the distance between the two Cs and corresponds to 0.9 cm.
The MADE IN FRANCE stamp is opposite the CHANEL stamp on all lamb leather bags. For bags made of Caviar leather, it can also appear directly under the CHANEL stamp.

Serial number
Serial numbers and the associated authenticity cards have only been around since 1984. Depending on the year, the sticker has a significant appearance and so do the numbers and the length of the number.

Authenticity card
The numbers on the card and on the sticker must match. The card is made of plastic and feels like a credit card. The writing on the card is even and straight. If the numbers look like a hologram, it is a fake.
Since 2005, the authenticity card has been marked with a gray circle at the top right.
Serial numbers

1986 - 1988
0 is not crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with Chanel logos and clear foil. Cutout on the left in the sticker.
Older serial numbers starting with 1 or 2 did not have a 0 in front of them. They were 6 digits long and the sticker was bigger.

1988 - 1991
0 is not crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with Chanel logos and clear foil. Cutout on the left in the sticker.

1991 - 1994
Until 27XXXXXX: 0 not crossed out. 1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on white sticker with clear foil.

1994 - 1996
0 is crossed out.
1 without serifs.
7-digit number on white sticker with clear foil.

1996 - 1997
0 is crossed out.
1 without serifs.
7-digit number on white sticker with clear foil.

1998 - 1999
Until 51XXXXX: 0 is crossed out
From 52XXXXX to 56XXXXX: 0 is not crossed out
From 57XXXXX:0 is crossed out. 1 with small serifs.
From 57XXXXX 7-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.
Up to 57XXXXX 7-digit number on white sticker with clear foil.

2000 - 2002
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2002 - 2003
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2003 - 2004
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2004 - 2005
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
7-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2005 - 2006
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2006 - 2008
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2008 - 2009
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2009 - 2010
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2010 - 2011
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2012 - 2013
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2013 - 2014
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2014 - 2015
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2015 - 2016
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2016 - 2017
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2016 - 2017
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2017 - 2018
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

2018 - 2019
0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on a white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. “X” crop marks prevent the sticker from being removed without leaving a trace. CHANEL is on the right. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is speckled gold.

0 is crossed out.
1 with small serifs.
8-digit number on white sticker with clear foil and two Chanel logos. "X" cut marks prevent the sticker from being removed without a trace. CHANEL is written on the right side. Dark lines on the left side. The sticker is gold speckled.

Since April 2021
Since April 2021, Chanel only offers bags and chain wallets with a micro-chip inside the bag. This can be read by Chanel to confirm the authenticity of the bag. The serial number and the corresponding authenticity card will therefore no longer be produced and can only be found on models produced before April 2021.